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Episode 33b: Das Zauberkästchen (After the Rain)
Season 2, Episode 13b

Anne bittet Hop Pop, das Zauberkästchen zu holen, und lüftet sein Geheimnis.

Hop Pops Geheimnis wird gelüftet.

Anne asks Hop Pop to retrieve the music box, bringing some long-buried secrets to light.

German premiere: Mi 09/15/2021 (Disney Channel)
USA Premiere: Sa 03/13/2021 (Disney Channel U.S.)

Broadcast dates

All broadcast dates have the local time of the respective country
Th 09/30/2021 03:55 pm-04:25 pm Disney Channel Germany
We 09/15/2021 03:54 pm-04:23 pm Disney Channel GermanyGermany NEW