Barbapapa - One Big Happy Family!

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Episode 7a: Reingelegt (Barbaprank!)
Season 1, Episode 7a

Die Barbababys spielen Streiche und denken sich immer wieder etwas Neues aus. Aber bald findet Barbahelle eine Dinosaurierspur.

German premiere: So 11/29/2020 (Nick)
Free-TV Premiere: Do 01/01/1970
USA Premiere: Do 01/01/1970

Broadcast dates

All broadcast dates have the local time of the respective country
Fr 12/17/2021 06:00 am-06:25 am Nick Germany
Th 11/11/2021 06:00 am-06:25 am Nick Germany
Th 09/23/2021 08:55 am-09:20 am Nick Switzerland
Th 09/23/2021 08:55 am-09:20 am Nick Austria
Sa 09/04/2021 09:05 am-09:30 am Nick Switzerland
Sa 09/04/2021 09:05 am-09:30 am Nick Austria
Th 08/26/2021 05:20 am-05:35 am Nickelodeon South Africa
Su 08/01/2021 10:40 am-11:10 am Nick Germany
Sa 07/24/2021 08:35 am-09:00 am Nick Switzerland
Sa 07/24/2021 08:35 am-09:00 am Nick Austria
Mo 07/05/2021 05:20 am-05:35 am Nickelodeon South Africa