Big City Greens

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Episode 37b: Bill und die Aliens (Bill-iever)
Season 2, Episode 7b

Um einer Strafe zu entgehen, muss es Cricket gelingen, Dad an Aliens glauben zu lassen.

German premiere: Mo 03/09/2020 (Disney XD)
USA Premiere: Sa 01/18/2020 (Disney Channel U.S.)

Broadcast dates

All broadcast dates have the local time of the respective country
Su 11/21/2021 05:48 pm-05:48 pm Disney Channel Germany
Mo 10/18/2021 05:51 pm-06:12 pm Disney Channel Germany
We 10/13/2021 09:22 am-09:52 am Disney Channel Germany
Th 09/16/2021 10:52 am-11:20 am Disney Channel Germany
Mo 08/30/2021 10:19 am-10:40 am Disney Channel Germany
Sa 08/28/2021 05:55 pm-06:22 pm Disney Channel Germany