Blaze and the Monster Machines

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Episode 23: Süsses oder Saures
Season 2, Episode 3

Blaze und seine Freunde haben an Halloween eimerweise Süßigkeiten gesammelt. Doch dann klaut Crusher ihnen die ganze süße Halloween-Beute. Gelingt es Blaze und seinen Freunden die Süßigkeiten zurückzuholen, bevor Crusher alles verputzt…?

German premiere: Sa 10/29/2016 (nickjr.)
Free-TV Premiere: Mo 10/31/2016 (Nickelodeon)

Broadcast dates

All broadcast dates have the local time of the respective country
Su 10/31/2021 01:15 pm-01:40 pm Nick Junior Germany
Su 10/31/2021 01:20 am-01:40 am Nick Junior Germany
Sa 10/30/2021 01:50 pm-02:15 pm Nick Junior Germany
Sa 10/30/2021 01:55 am-02:15 am Nick Junior Germany
Th 10/28/2021 12:00 pm-12:25 pm Nick Junior Germany
Th 10/28/2021 12:00 am-12:25 am Nick Junior Germany
We 10/27/2021 04:15 pm-04:35 pm Nick Junior Germany
We 10/27/2021 04:15 am-04:40 am Nick Junior Germany
Mo 10/25/2021 12:45 pm-01:10 pm Nick Junior Germany
Mo 10/25/2021 12:45 am-01:10 am Nick Junior Germany
Th 09/30/2021 06:30 am-06:50 am Nick Switzerland
Th 09/30/2021 06:30 am-06:50 am Nick Austria
Tu 08/31/2021 06:30 am-06:50 am Nick Switzerland
Tu 08/31/2021 06:30 am-06:50 am Nick Austria
Tu 08/03/2021 06:30 am-06:50 am Nick Austria