Bob's Burgers

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Episode 194: Ein Freund für Streiche (Prank You For Being A Friend)
Season 10, Episode 22

Louise bringt einem Klassenkameraden bei, wie man sich in Schwierigkeiten begibt. Währenddessen stimmt Bob widerwillig zu, Jimmy Pesto seine Hernien-Medikation zu bringen.

German premiere: So 03/14/2021 (Comedy Central)
USA Premiere: So 05/17/2020 (FOX)

Broadcast dates

All broadcast dates have the local time of the respective country
Th 05/27/2021 07:45 am-08:10 am Comedy Central Germany
We 05/26/2021 12:30 pm-12:55 pm Comedy Central Germany
Sa 05/22/2021 02:20 pm-02:50 pm Comedy Central Germany
Th 05/20/2021 01:25 pm-01:50 pm Comedy Central Germany