Hunter Street

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Episode 90: Showdown (Showdown)
Season 4, Episode 20

Im epischen finalen Showdown in den Tunneln unter ihrem Haus, müssen die Hunters Miss Lucas stoppen, bevor sie ganz Amsterdam einer Gehirnwäsche unterzieht.

In a final showdown in the tunnels under Hunter House, the Hunters must stop Miss Lucas before she brainwashes the whole of Amsterdam.

German premiere: Di 07/06/2021 (Nick Deutschland)
USA Premiere: Do 05/20/2021 (Nickelodeon UK)

Broadcast dates

All broadcast dates have the local time of the respective country
Su 11/07/2021 02:05 am-02:30 am Nick Austria
Su 09/19/2021 02:40 am-03:05 am Nickelodeon UK
Fr 09/17/2021 06:30 pm-06:55 pm Nickelodeon South Africa