It's Pony

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Episode 22b: Zweitbester Freund (Second Best Friend)
Season 2, Episode 2b

Als Annie nicht glauben kann, dass Ponys zweitbester Freund eine Fliege ist, gerät ihr eigener zweitbester Freund, Gerry, in Gefahr.

Annie's struggle to believe that Pony's second-best friend is a fly puts her own second-best friend, Gerry, in jeopardy.

Annie can't believe that Pony's friend is a fly.

German premiere: Di 12/21/2021 (NickToons Deutschland)
USA Premiere: Do 02/10/2022 (NickToons U.S.)

Broadcast dates

All broadcast dates have the local time of the respective country
Su 11/07/2021 07:00 am-07:30 am Nickelodeon Australia
Tu 10/26/2021 04:00 pm-04:30 pm Nickelodeon Australia
Sa 09/25/2021 11:40 am-11:55 am Nickelodeon UK
Fr 09/24/2021 07:40 pm-07:55 pm Nickelodeon UK
Th 03/25/2021 04:30 pm-05:00 pm Nickelodeon U.S.Canceled