It's Pony

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Episode 24a: Das Pony-Auto (Pony Car)
Season 2, Episode 4a

Annie und ihre Freunde sind zu einer Party eingeladen. Damit sie nicht zu Fuß gehen müssen, baut Pony ein Auto.

When Annie and her friends are invited to a fancy party, Pony decides they can't show up on foot and builds them a car.

German premiere: Do 12/23/2021 (NickToons Deutschland)
USA Premiere: Do 02/17/2022 (NickToons U.S.)

Broadcast dates

All broadcast dates have the local time of the respective country
Fr 10/15/2021 07:45 am-08:00 am Nickelodeon Australia
Tu 10/12/2021 04:15 pm-04:30 pm Nickelodeon Australia