The Barbarian and the Troll

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Episode 10: Der verfluchte Gasthof (Pictures of Boo)
Season 1, Episode 10

In einem Sturm sucht die Gruppe verzweifelt nach einem Unterschlupf und einer Mütze Schlaf, als der Hotelmanager die Reisenden in seinem mysteriösen Haus willkommen heißt.

In need of shelter from a storm and desperately seeking sleep, the group of questers are welcomed into a mysterious house by a strange Colonel.

German premiere: So 10/31/2021 (NickToons Deutschland)
USA Premiere: Fr 06/04/2021 (Nickelodeon U.S.)

Broadcast dates

All broadcast dates have the local time of the respective country
Sa 11/13/2021 10:40 pm-10:40 pm NickToons Germany
Fr 11/12/2021 09:00 pm-09:30 pm Nickelodeon UK
Su 10/31/2021 07:00 pm-07:00 pm NickToons GermanyGermany NEW
Su 06/06/2021 07:00 am-07:30 am Nickelodeon U.S.
Su 06/06/2021 07:00 am-07:30 am Nickelodeon U.S.
Fr 06/04/2021 07:30 pm-08:00 pm Nickelodeon U.S.