Phineas and Ferb

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Episode 73a: Steinzeitalter (Tri-Stone Area)
Season 3, Episode 8a

Bild: Disney Channel Im prähistorischen Steinzeitalter erfinden Phineas und Ferb zuerst das Rad und dann das erste Auto. Während Candace versucht, ihre Brüder auffliegen zu lassen, entzündet sie

German premiere: Sa 06/23/2012 (Disney XD)
Free-TV Premiere: Sa 10/13/2012 (Super RTL)
USA Premiere: Fr 01/13/2012 (Disney Channel U.S.)

Broadcast dates

All broadcast dates have the local time of the respective country
Mo 10/04/2021 01:14 pm-01:44 pm Disney Channel Germany
Sa 10/02/2021 05:27 pm-05:56 pm Disney Channel Germany
Sa 09/04/2021 01:20 pm-01:50 pm Disney Channel Germany
Th 09/02/2021 12:13 pm-12:38 pm Disney Channel Germany
Fr 08/13/2021 01:07 pm-01:28 pm Disney Channel Germany
We 08/11/2021 04:56 pm-05:25 pm Disney Channel Germany