Phineas and Ferb

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Episode 91a: Schlafwandlungserfinder (Sleepwalk Surprise)
Season 3, Episode 26a

Doofenshmirtz findet heraus, dass er im Schlaf Inatoren erfindet. Währenddessen muss Candace verhindern, dass Mom entdeckt, was Phineas und Ferb im Garten machen, damit Candace keine Schwierigkeiten bekommt.

German premiere: Di 01/29/2013 (Disney XD)
Free-TV Premiere: Mi 10/23/2013 (Super RTL)
USA Premiere: Fr 06/08/2012 (Disney Channel U.S.)

Broadcast dates

All broadcast dates have the local time of the respective country
Th 10/21/2021 12:57 pm-12:57 pm Disney Channel Germany
Tu 10/19/2021 05:21 pm-05:51 pm Disney Channel Germany
Fr 08/27/2021 04:57 pm-05:26 pm Disney Channel Germany
Mo 08/02/2021 11:53 am-12:20 pm Disney Channel Germany