The Loud House

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Episode 131a: Ein Fall für Agent Steele (Present Danger)
Season 6, Episode 1a

Als David Steele verkleidet sucht Lincoln sein abhanden gekommenes Geschenk, bevor es zerstört wird.

Dressed as David Steele, Lincoln is on the hunt for his stolen birthday present before it's destroyed.

Lincoln is on the hunt for his stolen birthday present.

The premieres on February 23, 2022 and February 25, 2022 on Nickelodeon U.S. got canceled

Premiere (Germany ): Monday 27.06.2022 (NickToons Deutschland)
Free-TV Premiere (Germany ): Tuesday 07.03.2023 (Nickelodeon Deutschland)
Premiere (United States ): Monday 30.05.2022 (Nickelodeon U.S.)