American Dad!

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Episode 43: Schleim verbindet (The Vacation Goo)
Season 4, Episode 1

L-R: Stan, Francine, Steve, Hayley Bild: ViacomCBS / FOX / FOX BROADCASTING / TCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Francine fordert, dass die Familie wieder einmal einen gemeinsamen Urlaub erleben muss. Als die

German premiere: Mo 06/23/2008 (MTV)
USA Premiere: So 09/30/2007 (FOX)

Broadcast dates

All broadcast dates have the local time of the respective country
Th 11/11/2021 12:00 am-12:30 am Nick Austria
We 10/13/2021 01:25 pm-01:50 pm ProSieben Fun
We 10/13/2021 05:55 am-01:00 am ProSieben Fun
Tu 10/12/2021 05:15 pm-05:35 pm ProSieben Fun