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Episode 18a: Roboter-Arme (Robot Arms)
Season 1, Episode 18a

Buhdeuce lässt sich von Ketta Roboterarme machen, um mehr Brot schürfen zu können. Doch leider kommt ihm da so einiges dazwischen…

German premiere: Di 08/18/2015 (Nickelodeon)
USA Premiere: So 04/12/2015 (Nickelodeon U.S.)

Broadcast dates

All broadcast dates have the local time of the respective country
Th 12/23/2021 04:10 pm-04:35 pm Nick Germany
Mo 11/29/2021 05:20 pm-05:45 pm Nick Germany
Su 11/21/2021 11:00 am-11:25 am NickToons Germany
Mo 11/01/2021 04:05 pm-04:35 pm Nick Germany
Th 09/30/2021 03:50 pm-04:15 pm Nick Austria
Tu 09/07/2021 04:10 pm-04:35 pm Nick Germany